A Reader’s Story

One of the great joys of writing is forming connections with my readers. Mark emailed me to say that he really enjoyed reading Ready to Retire. Here is his story:

I found it remarkable how on point [your book] is about retiring. I had never really given retirement a second thought until it got close. I retired because it was time. I was suffering all the symptoms of job burnout. I retired because I was fed up with something that I had loved for 40 plus years. It seemed so right; everything just fell into place to make it happen. I retired at 60, bought a new house, and moved all within a very short window of a few months. I picked up your book during this timeframe and continue to refer to it often. My wife and I enjoy our new lives immensely. Your book was spot on about having things to do. Both of us try to stay very busy. I have ten hobbies that I really enjoy. Ten, can you imagine! My wife enjoys just as many different hobbies.

I laughed once when a friend told me he was jealous because I had so many different interests. He told me, he was going to stay working because the only thing he really liked doing was sitting on the couch, watching sports and drinking beer. My friend confided in me five years later that he had joined Alcoholics Anonymous because drinking a six pack of beer every night was not good for him or his marriage! I have stopped drinking alcohol and was glad my friend finally woke up.

My wife and I have been together for 22 years of marriage and we are each other's best friend. We discuss things and talk it out. We deal with life together, sometimes she takes the lead and other times I lead the charge. We believe in helping people that need assistance, groceries, money, someone to talk too. Lastly, your book has helped me a great deal in my retirement. Thank you.

Thank you Mark for taking the time to warm my heart.


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